Welcome Home
Welcome Home
glad you're
"And above all, love one another deeply from the heart."
- 1 Peter 1:22
First Presbyterian Church of Waynesville is a
vibrant community of faith to call home.
Our God is a welcoming God,
and there is a place for you
at FPCW.
Come as you are. Share your stories. Hear ours.
Everyone is welcome. Everyone is valued.
This church is the right size for
real friendships as we joyfully live out our vision to welcome, worship, grow, care and serve --
all in the name of our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ.
Love God and Love Our Neighbors.
I’m so glad you stopped by to take a closer look at this beautiful church, nestled in the majestic mountains of Western North Carolina in the charming town of Waynesville.
If you are searching for a place of worship
that feels like “home” – this is the place for you!
If you've never been to our church before, come by this Sunday!
We are a community of Christ-followers
who love to gather in joyful worship of God.
We hope this site gives you an idea of
who we are and what we believe,
but you won’t really know unless you come and see for yourself!
- Pastor Holly Davis
If you’re looking for a church home
in our area, you’ll love FPCW.
Find out why and plan your visit here.
Church isn't something you go to,
it's a family you belong to. We are a welcoming church, a "family"of believers and seekers alike. Together we find comfort in prayer,
joy in song, and peace -
knowing God's grace
is meant for us all.
10:45 AM
Have questions? We have the answers!
With its historic red tile roof, FPCW stands out on the corner of Walnut and N. Main Streets -- 305 North Main, Waynesville.
Adult Discipleship Classes begin at 9:15 Sunday morning.
Worship service begins at 10:45.
There are two parking lots. The smaller front lot (Main St. entrance) has ramp access to the sanctuary.
The new, large lot (Walnut St. entrance) provides accesss to a covered portico, wheelchair ramp, restroom and elevator.
Yes, including an elevator from the rear parking lot (Walnut St. entrance.)
Yes. FPCW has a fully equipped, engaging nursery for infants, toddlers and young ones. It is staffed by two experienced young women. Please bring your child/ren to the sanctuary by 10:30 Sunday morning prior to worship. An usher will guide you to the nursery and introduce the caregivers.
Sunday's worship service - which typically lasts
45 minutes - begins with Gathering Music and the congregation joining together in song. The Order of Worship includes hymns, scripture, a pastoral sermon, prayers, a benediction and always an uplifting organ postlude. Stay on afterwards for Coffee & Sweets - a time of fellowship one with another in the church's social hall.
The Sanctuary Choir - with over twenty voices - is one of the joys of FPCW. Our music program is a treasure, and its members seem like a family. The choir rehearses on Wednesdays at 4:00. If you'd like to join, come at that time and introduce yourself. There are no try-outs. You will be welcomed!