Welcome Home
"Churchgoers are like coals in a fire.
When they cling together, they keep the fires aglow.
When they separate, they die out."
- Billy Graham
There are many opportunities to ignite our faith and to serve, both within the church family and serving our community.
Take a look and see how you might like to get involved. You're sure to find ways to exercise your gifts and talents.
Featured below are some areas you may find of particular interest
Call or email the church office. We'll be happy to help.
"The grass withers and the flower fades, but the Word of our God stands forever." - Isaiah 40:8
This lively group meets every Monday at Noon to spiritually stretch our minds and hearts. Be prepared to laugh a lot, ask hard questions and find meaningful answers. BYO lunch and a Bible.
Presbyterian Women -- gathering since 1875 -- are proactive, charitable, and resourceful. Their purpose is to grow in faith and demonstrate that faith through ministry projects -- both locally and worldwide. You are invited to the Ruth Circle, the first Tuesday of each month. 10:00 AM.
The Men's Group has their own fundraising projects to make a difference in our community. They will soon re-start their now-famous Men's Breakfast, so stay tuned! Sometimes it's just good to hang out with the guys!
Craft Guild
In their 13th year, The Crafters are a gaggle of talented gals gathering for fellowship, laughter and the love of handmade crafts. If you can hold a glue gun, there's a place for you here. Every Tuesday at 9:30 in the Craft Room on the lower level.
the Crafters work nine months of the year preparing for their two Craft Fairs each October. These are hefty fundraisers for the church's local mission work and a real blessing to us all.
Healing Hearts Support Group
"The Lord is close to the brokenhearted
and saves those who are crushed in spirit."
- Psalm 34:18
If you're seeking support in your journey with grief, there's a seat at this table for you. Laughter and tears. Spirited conversation. New friends. Open, candid discussion, occasionally guided by a video or guest speaker. Topics often include issues unique to living alone for the first time.
Third Wednesday of the month at Noon.
BYO lunch. Great group!
Discipleship Classes
Two adult classes meet each Sunday morning at 9:15. The Seekers Class studies a wide range of topics and issues, along with our response as Christ-followers. The Isaac Class offers new and fresh Scripture studies and the impact of Christian thought in history and today.
Both classes are enriching,
rewarding, and welcoming to all.
Mission at FPCW
"Mission is the overflow of
our delight in God. . . " - John Piper
Mission Team at FPCW shares the love of Christ by supporting organizations in our community, in North Carolina and around the world. We support several overseas missionaries, as well as local and state mission organizations with generous donations from fundraisers and selfless congregational giving.
"I will sing to the Lord, for he has been good to me."
- Psalms 13:6
Music has a special place at FPCW, and the choir is a joyous part of worship each week. If you love to sing, please come and introduce yourself. No try-ouyts; all are welcome! Choir rehearsal is each Wednesday at 4:00 PM. We also have a Chimes Choir. They rehearse each Wednesday at 5:15. Let Joel or Diane know if you play an instrument or are interested in joining the Bluegrass Jam on Monday afternoons.
Quilters Ministry
The Quilters make beautiful banners for the church and Prayer Quilts for members recuperating from surgery or with serious health issues.
These quilts represent God's healing presence, as well as a big hug from our church family. You are welcome to come - each Monday at 9:30 AM in the Quilters' Room on the lower level.