"So he shepherded them according to the integrity in his heart, and guided them with his skillful hands." 

    -- Psalm 78:72



In the Presbyterian system of self-government,  the congregation elects a group of Elders to be its representatives. That group, called the Session, has the responsibility and power to guide that particular church in matters concerning the life of that church. The pastor joins the Elders as Session Moderator.  The Session at First Presbyterian Waynesville typically has nine Elders, each serving a three-year term.    



Rev. Holly K. Davis - Moderator

Ron Tingle - Clerk of Session

Rick Croskery - Building & Grounds

Melonie Gross - Personnel

Charlotte Casey - Discipleship

Stan Briggs - Elder for Deacons' Board/Congregational Care

Pat Parker - Fellowship

Hughes Roberts - Finance

Beth Johnson - Mission

Lynn Heinrichs - Worship




The Deacons Board is our chuch's ministry to its members, helping and encouraging us all, especically those among us with spiritual, physical and emotional needs.  


2022 Deacons

Stan Briggs - Elder for Deacons & Moderator

Lee Hutchison - Assistant Moderator

Janet Tingle - Secretary

Sylvia Lonnee - Treasurer

Bill Covin

Carolyn Sawyer